Hoekstra, R., 2005. Economic growth, material flows and the environment: New applications of structural decomposition analysis and physical input-output tables, Edward Elgar Publishers. (Publisher) (Amazon)
For a review see Considine (2008), Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol 12, No 1, pp. 130-131. (Link)
Phd Thesis
Hoekstra, R., 2003. Structural change of the physical economy: Decomposition analysis of physical and hybrid-unit input-output tables, Tinbergen Institute Research Series, No 315, Thela Thesis Academic Publishing Services, Amsterdam.
Articles in scientific journals
10. Hoekstra, R., O. ten Bosch and F. Harteveld, 2012. Automated data collection from web sources for official statistics: First experiences. Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics 28 (3-4). pp. 99-111. (Link)
9. Delahaye, R., R. Hoekstra and L. Nootenboom, 2011. Analysing the production and treatment of solid waste using a national accounting framework. Waste Management & Research 29(7), pp. 751–762. (Link)
8. Kulig, A., H. Kolfoort and R. Hoekstra, 2010. The case for the hybrid capital approach for the measurement of the welfare and sustainability. Ecological Indicators 10 (2010), pp. 118–128.
7. Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2006. The impact of structural change on physical flows in the economy: Forecasting and backcasting using structural decomposition analysis. Land Economics 82(4), pp. 582-601.
6. Hoekstra, R. and M.A. Janssen, 2006. Environmental responsibility and policy in a two-country dynamic input-output model. Economic Systems Research 18(1)(March), pp. 61-84.
5. Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2006. Constructing physical input-output tables for environmental modeling and accounting: framework and illustrations. Ecological Economics 59, pp. 375-393.
4. Heerschap, N., B. de Boer, R. Hoekstra, A. van Loon and L. Tromp, 2005. A Tourism Satellite Account for the Netherlands: Approach and results. Tourism Economics, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2005 , pp. 393-409 (17)
3. Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M van den Bergh, 2003. Comparing structural and index decomposition analysis. Energy Economics 25, pp. 39-64.
2. Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M van den Bergh, 2002. Structural decomposition analysis of physical flows in the economy. Environmental and Resource Economics 23, pp. 357-378.
1. Janssen, M.A., J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, P.J.H van Beukering and R. Hoekstra, 2001. Changing industrial metabolism: methods for analysis. Population and Environment 23(2) pp. 139-156, November 2001. (Link)
Articles submitted to scientific journals
Hoekstra, R. and J.P.H. Smits. Measuring Sustainable Development Part I: History, perspectives and potential for convergence.
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra. Measuring Sustainable Development Part II: Conceptual framework, suggested Indicators and the way forward.
Hoekstra, R., B. Edens, D. Zult and H. Wilting. Reducing the variation of environmental footprints estimates based on multiregional input-output databases.
Chapters in books
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2005. Structural decomposition analysis of iron, steel and plastics. In: J.C.J.M van den Bergh and M.A. Janssen (eds.), The Economics of Industrial Ecology, MIT Press.
Dietzenbacher, H.W.A. and R. Hoekstra, 2002. The RAS structural decomposition approach. In: G.J.D. Hewings, M.Sonis and D. Boyce (eds.), Trade, Networks and Hierarchies: Modeling Regional and Interregional Economies, Springer Publishers.
Task Force Report
UNECE/Euorstat/OECD, forthcoming. Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations on Measuring Sustainable Development. Prepared by the Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force for Measuring Sustainable Development.
Role: Chair and Editor of the joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force for Measuring Sustainable Development (TFSD) (2009-2013) (shared these posts with my CBS-colleague Jan Pieter Smits)
The report was endorsed by the Conference of European Statisticians in June 2013 (see press release) subject to a number of minor changes. The report is currently being revised for final publication in early 2014. (Draft version-June 2013)
Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands (unauthored)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2009. Book. (Dutch) (English)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Book. (Dutch)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Brochure. (Dutch) (English)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Website visualisations. (Dutch) (English)
Role: Projectmanager of first edition of the Monitor Duurzaam Nederland (2009) (shared this post with my CBS-colleague Jan Pieter Smits). Helped to develop the indicator systems for both editions (2009, 2011) as well as the brochure and website for the second edition.
Reports for European Union/European Central Bank
Hoekstra, R. B. Edens, D. Zult, R. Wu and H. Wilting, 2013. Environmental footprints: A methodological and empirical overview from the perspective of official statistics. Paper for the FP7 (European Commission) funded project “European Framework for Measuring Progress” (e-Frame), March 11th 2013. (Link)
van der Helm R., and R. Hoekstra, 2008. “Attributing quarterly GDP growth rates of the Euro Area to final demand components”. Report prepared for the European Central Bank (ECB). May 2008. VIVID # 2008-2002-MOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., A. van den Berg and F. Hoekema, 2006. “Attributing the Euro Area GDP growth rate to final demand components”. Report prepared for the European Central Bank (ECB). July 2006. VIVID # 2006-67-MOO. (Link)
Eyre, N., T. Downing, R. Hoekstra, K. Rennings and R.S. Tol, 1999. Global Warming Damages, ExternE – Externalities of Energy, 8. European Commission, 18836.; Studies (European Commission. Directorate-General XII, Science, Research, and Development), Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (Link)
CBS reports/Working papers (authored)
Notten, F., R. Hoekstra and J.P.H. Smits, 2013. De rol van de industrie in Nederlandse internationale productieketens. In: De Nederlandse Economie 2012. (Link)
Edens, B., and R. Hoekstra, 2013. Towards a MRIO based national accounts consistent carbon footprint. In: Environmental Accounts 2012, pp. 122-137 (Link)
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2011. Measuring Sustainable Development and Societal Progress: Overview and Conceptual Approach. September 2011. BPA number: 2011-14-KOO. (Link)
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2010. Capital and Sustainability: Some thoughts on the operationalisation of social capital. 5 January 2010, BPA number: 2010-90-MOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., O. ten Bosch and F. Harteveld, 2010. Automated Data Collection from Web Sources for Official Statistics: First Experiences. BPA number: 2010-132-KOO. (Link)
Hoekstra R. and J.P.H. Smits, 2010. A brief introduction to the measurement of progress of societies at Statistics Netherlands. BPA number: 2010-128-KOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., J.P.H. Smits and T. de Jonge, 2010. The Stigitz-Sen-Fittoussi report: Comments by Statistics Netherlands. BPA number: 2010-129-KOO. (Link)
Kulig, A., H. Kolfoort and R. Hoekstra, 2007. Welfare measurement in a national accounting framework. BPA number: 2007-150-MOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., E. Lammers, A. Pieters, M. van Rooijen-Horsten en A. van de Steeg, 2006. Toerisme in macro-economisch perspectief, 2002. Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA), 29 september 2006. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., and M. Janssen, 2002. Environmental responsibility and policy in a two country dynamic input-output model, Tinbergen Institute Working Paper, 2002-103. (Link)
Conference/Workshop papers
Hoekstra, R., D. Zult, B. Edens, O. Lemmers, H. Wilting and R. Wu, 2013. Producing carbon footprints that are consistent to the Dutch national and environmental accounts. Paper prepared for the 21st International Input-Output Conference, July 9 – 12th 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan & Workshop on the Wealth of Nations in a Globalising World, July 18-19th 2013, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. B. Edens and H. Wilting, 2012. Footprint calculations from the perspective of National Statistical Institutes. Paper prepared for the final WIOD Conference: Causes and Consequences of Globalization, Groningen, The Netherlands, April 24-26, 2012. (Link)
Daas, P., M. Roos, C. de Blois, R. Hoekstra, O. ten Bosch and Y, 2011. Ma. New data sources for statistics: Experiences at Statistics Netherlands. Paper prepared for the 2011 New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) conference, Brussels, Belgium. (Link)
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2010. The measurement of welfare, wellbeing and sustainable development. Paper prepared for the Conference of the International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS), October 2010, Santiago, Chile. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., 2010. (Towards) a complete database of peer-reviewed articles on environmentally extended input-output analysis. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., 2010. Physical input-output tables: Developments and future. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link).
van der Helm, R., R. Hoekstra and J.P.H. Smits, 2010. Economic growth, structural change and carbon dioxide emission: The case of the Netherlands 1960-2008. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. and R. van der Helm, 2010. Attributing GDP growth of the Euro Area to final demand categories. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
van der Helm, R. and R. Hoekstra, 2009. Attributing GDP growth of the Euro Area to final demand components. Paper prepared for the 17th International Input-Output Conference, July 13-17th, São Paulo, Brazil. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., S. Schenau and P. van de Ven, 2008. The analytical usefulness of a system of environmental accounts. Paper prepared for the conference on Climate change and official statistics, 14-16 April 2008, Oslo, Norway. (Link)
Gosse van der Veen (DG Statistics Netherlands), 2007 (Document prepared by Hoekstra, R., S. Schenau and C. Graveland). The challenges of globalisation from an environmental accounting perspective. Paper prepared for the 63rd SPC and 93rd DGINS Conference, 19–21 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary, DGINS 2007/93/III/5. (Link)
Schenau, S. and R. Hoekstra, 2007. Environmental Indicators. Issue Paper prepared for the 11th Meeting of the London Group on Environmental Accounting, 26-30 March 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa. LG/11/22. (Link)
van de Steeg, A. R. Hoekstra, B. Kazemier and S. Schenau, 2006. Measuring wellbeing using the Dutch National Accounts . Paper prepared for a Workshop on Measuring wellbeing and societal progress, 19-21 June 2006, Milan, Italy. (Link)
Wilting, H., R. Hoekstra and S. Schenau, 2006. Emissions and Trade: a Structural Decomposition Analysis for the Netherlands. Paper prepared for the Intermediate Input-Output Conference, 2006, Sendai, Japan. (Link)
Schenau, S. and R. Hoekstra, 2006. Present status and future developments of the Dutch NAMEA. Paper for the International Workshop for Interactive Analysis on Economy and Environment, March 4th 2006, Tokyo, Japan. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. and J.P.H. Smits. Measuring Sustainable Development Part I: History, perspectives and potential for convergence.
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra. Measuring Sustainable Development Part II: Conceptual framework, suggested Indicators and the way forward.
Hoekstra, R., B. Edens, D. Zult and H. Wilting. Reducing the variation of environmental footprints estimates based on multiregional input-output databases.
UNECE/Euorstat/OECD, forthcoming. Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations on Measuring Sustainable Development. Prepared by the Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force for Measuring Sustainable Development.
Notten, F., R. Hoekstra and J.P.H. Smits, 2013. De rol van de industrie in Nederlandse internationale productieketens. In: De Nederlandse Economie 2012. (Link)
Edens, B., and R. Hoekstra, 2013. Towards a MRIO based national accounts consistent carbon footprint. In: Environmental Accounts 2012, pp. 122-137 (Link)
Hoekstra, R. B. Edens, D. Zult, R. Wu and H. Wilting, 2013. Environmental footprints: A methodological and empirical overview from the perspective of official statistics. Paper for the FP7 (European Commission) funded project “European Framework for Measuring Progress” (e-Frame), March 11th 2013. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., D. Zult, B. Edens, O. Lemmers, H. Wilting and R. Wu, 2013. Producing carbon footprints that are consistent to the Dutch national and environmental accounts. Paper prepared for the 21st International Input-Output Conference, July 9 – 12th 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan & Workshop on the Wealth of Nations in a Globalising World, July 18-19th 2013, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. B. Edens and H. Wilting, 2012. Footprint calculations from the perspective of National Statistical Institutes. Paper prepared for the final WIOD Conference: Causes and Consequences of Globalization, Groningen, The Netherlands, April 24-26, 2012. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., O. ten Bosch and F. Harteveld, 2012. Automated data collection from web sources for official statistics: First experiences. Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics 28 (3-4). pp. 99-111. (Link)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland. Book. (Dutch)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands. Brochure. (Dutch) (English)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands. Website visualisations. (Dutch) (English)
Delahaye, R., R. Hoekstra and L. Nootenboom, 2011. Analysing the production and treatment of solid waste using a national accounting framework. Waste Management & Research 29(7), pp. 751–762. (Link)
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2011. Measuring Sustainable Development and Societal Progress: Overview and Conceptual Approach. September 2011. BPA number: 2011-14-KOO. (Link)
Daas, P., M. Roos, C. de Blois, R. Hoekstra, O. ten Bosch and Y, 2011. Ma. New data sources for statistics: Experiences at Statistics Netherlands. Paper prepared for the 2011 New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) conference, Brussels, Belgium. (Link)
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2010. The measurement of welfare, wellbeing and sustainable development. Paper prepared for the Conference of the International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS), October 2010, Santiago, Chile. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., 2010. (Towards) a complete database of peer-reviewed articles on environmentally extended input-output analysis. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., 2010. Physical input-output tables: Developments and future. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link).
van der Helm, R., R. Hoekstra and J.P.H. Smits, 2010. Economic growth, structural change and carbon dioxide emission: The case of the Netherlands 1960-2008. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. and R. van der Helm, 2010. Attributing GDP growth of the Euro Area to final demand categories. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2010. Capital and Sustainability: Some thoughts on the operationalisation of social capital. 5 January 2010, BPA number: 2010-90-MOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., O. ten Bosch and F. Harteveld, 2010. Automated Data Collection from Web Sources for Official Statistics: First Experiences. BPA number: 2010-132-KOO. (Link)
Hoekstra R. and J.P.H. Smits, 2010. A brief introduction to the measurement of progress of societies at Statistics Netherlands. BPA number: 2010-128-KOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., J.P.H. Smits and T. de Jonge, 2010. The Stigitz-Sen-Fittoussi report: Comments by Statistics Netherlands. BPA number: 2010-129-KOO. (Link)
Kulig, A., H. Kolfoort and R. Hoekstra, 2010. The case for the hybrid capital approach for the measurement of the welfare and sustainability. Ecological Indicators 10 (2010), pp. 118–128.
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2009. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands. Book. (Dutch) (English)
van der Helm, R. and R. Hoekstra, 2009. Attributing GDP growth of the Euro Area to final demand components. Paper prepared for the 17th International Input-Output Conference, July 13-17th, São Paulo, Brazil. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., S. Schenau and P. van de Ven, 2008. The analytical usefulness of a system of environmental accounts. Paper prepared for the conference on Climate change and official statistics, 14-16 April 2008, Oslo, Norway. (Link)
van der Helm R., and R. Hoekstra, 2008. “Attributing quarterly GDP growth rates of the Euro Area to final demand components”. Report prepared for the European Central Bank (ECB). May 2008. VIVID # 2008-2002-MOO. (Link)
Kulig, A., H. Kolfoort and R. Hoekstra, 2007. Welfare measurement in a national accounting framework. BPA number: 2007-150-MOO. (Link)
Gosse van der Veen (DG Statistics Netherlands), 2007 (Document prepared by Hoekstra, R., S. Schenau and C. Graveland). The challenges of globalisation from an environmental accounting perspective. Paper prepared for the 63rd SPC and 93rd DGINS Conference, 19–21 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary, DGINS 2007/93/III/5. (Link)
Schenau, S. and R. Hoekstra, 2007. Environmental Indicators. Issue Paper prepared for the 11th Meeting of the London Group on Environmental Accounting, 26-30 March 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa. LG/11/22. (Link)
van de Steeg, A. R. Hoekstra, B. Kazemier and S. Schenau, 2006. Measuring wellbeing using the Dutch National Accounts . Paper prepared for a Workshop on Measuring wellbeing and societal progress, 19-21 June 2006, Milan, Italy. (Link)
Wilting, H., R. Hoekstra and S. Schenau, 2006. Emissions and Trade: a Structural Decomposition Analysis for the Netherlands. Paper prepared for the Intermediate Input-Output Conference, 2006, Sendai, Japan. (Link)
Schenau, S. and R. Hoekstra, 2006. Present status and future developments of the Dutch NAMEA. Paper for the International Workshop for Interactive Analysis on Economy and Environment, March 4th 2006, Tokyo, Japan. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., E. Lammers, A. Pieters, M. van Rooijen-Horsten en A. van de Steeg, 2006. Toerisme in macro-economisch perspectief, 2002. Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA), 29 september 2006. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., A. van den Berg and F. Hoekema, 2006. “Attributing the Euro Area GDP growth rate to final demand components”. Report prepared for the European Central Bank (ECB). July 2006. VIVID # 2006-67-MOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2006. The impact of structural change on physical flows in the economy: Forecasting and backcasting using structural decomposition analysis. Land Economics 82(4), pp. 582-601.
Hoekstra, R. and M.A. Janssen, 2006. Environmental responsibility and policy in a two-country dynamic input-output model. Economic Systems Research 18(1)(March), pp. 61-84.
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2006. Constructing physical input-output tables for environmental modeling and accounting: framework and illustrations. Ecological Economics 59, pp. 375-393.
Hoekstra, R., 2005. Economic growth, material flows and the environment: New applications of structural decomposition analysis and physical input-output tables, Edward Elgar Publishers. (Publisher) (Amazon)
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2005. Structural decomposition analysis of iron, steel and plastics. In: J.C.J.M van den Bergh and M.A. Janssen (eds.), The Economics of Industrial Ecology, MIT Press.
Heerschap, N., B. de Boer, R. Hoekstra, A. van Loon and L. Tromp, 2005. A Tourism Satellite Account for the Netherlands: Approach and results. Tourism Economics, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2005 , pp. 393-409 (17)
Hoekstra, R., 2003. Structural change of the physical economy: Decomposition analysis of physical and hybrid-unit input-output tables, Tinbergen Institute Research Series, No 315, Thela Thesis Academic Publishing Services, Amsterdam.
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M van den Bergh, 2003. Comparing structural and index decomposition analysis. Energy Economics 25, pp. 39-64.
Hoekstra, R., and M. Janssen, 2002. Environmental responsibility and policy in a two country dynamic input-output model, Tinbergen Institute Working Paper, 2002-103. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M van den Bergh, 2002. Structural decomposition analysis of physical flows in the economy. Environmental and Resource Economics 23, pp. 357-378.
Dietzenbacher, H.W.A. and R. Hoekstra, 2002. The RAS structural decomposition approach. In: G.J.D. Hewings, M.Sonis and D. Boyce (eds.), Trade, Networks and Hierarchies: Modeling Regional and Interregional Economies, Springer Publishers.
Janssen, M.A., J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, P.J.H van Beukering and R. Hoekstra, 2001. Changing industrial metabolism: methods for analysis. Population and Environment 23(2) pp. 139-156, November 2001. (Link)
Eyre, N., T. Downing, R. Hoekstra, K. Rennings and R.S. Tol, 1999. Global Warming Damages, ExternE – Externalities of Energy, 8. European Commission, 18836.; Studies (European Commission. Directorate-General XII, Science, Research, and Development), Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (Link)
Various topics (Phd Thesis/Book)
Hoekstra, R., 2003. Structural change of the physical economy: Decomposition analysis of physical and hybrid-unit input-output tables, Tinbergen Institute Research Series, No 315, Thela Thesis Academic Publishing Services, Amsterdam.
Hoekstra, R., 2005. Economic growth, material flows and the environment: New applications of structural decomposition analysis and physical input-output tables, Edward Elgar Publishers. (Publisher) (Amazon)
Hoekstra, R., 2010. (Towards) a complete database of peer-reviewed articles on environmentally extended input-output analysis. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M van den Bergh, 2002. Structural decomposition analysis of physical flows in the economy. Environmental and Resource Economics 23, pp. 357-378.
Janssen, M.A., J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, P.J.H van Beukering and R. Hoekstra, 2001. Changing industrial metabolism: methods for analysis. Population and Environment 23(2) pp. 139-156, November 2001. (Link)
Measuring Sustainable Development
UNECE/Euorstat/OECD, forthcoming. Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations on Measuring Sustainable Development. Prepared by the Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force for Measuring Sustainable Development.
Hoekstra, R. and J.P.H. Smits. Measuring Sustainable Development Part I: History, perspectives and potential for convergence. Submitted to scientific journal.
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra. Measuring Sustainable Development Part II: Conceptual framework, suggested Indicators and the way forward. Submitted to scientific journal.
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2011. Measuring Sustainable Development and Societal Progress: Overview and Conceptual Approach. September 2011. BPA number: 2011-14-KOO. (Link)
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2010. The measurement of welfare, wellbeing and sustainable development. Paper prepared for the Conference of the International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS), October 2010, Santiago, Chile. (Link)
Kulig, A., H. Kolfoort and R. Hoekstra, 2010. The case for the hybrid capital approach for the measurement of the welfare and sustainability. Ecological Indicators 10 (2010), pp. 118–128.
Smits, J.P.H. and R. Hoekstra, 2010. Capital and Sustainability: Some thoughts on the operationalisation of social capital. 5 January 2010, BPA number: 2010-90-MOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., O. ten Bosch and F. Harteveld, 2010. Automated Data Collection from Web Sources for Official Statistics: First Experiences. BPA number: 2010-132-KOO. (Link)
Hoekstra R. and J.P.H. Smits, 2010. A brief introduction to the measurement of progress of societies at Statistics Netherlands. BPA number: 2010-128-KOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., J.P.H. Smits and T. de Jonge, 2010. The Stigitz-Sen-Fittoussi report: Comments by Statistics Netherlands. BPA number: 2010-129-KOO. (Link)
Kulig, A., H. Kolfoort and R. Hoekstra, 2007. Welfare measurement in a national accounting framework. BPA number: 2007-150-MOO. (Link)
van de Steeg, A. R. Hoekstra, B. Kazemier and S. Schenau, 2006. Measuring wellbeing using the Dutch National Accounts . Paper prepared for a Workshop on Measuring wellbeing and societal progress, 19-21 June 2006, Milan, Italy. (Link)
Monitoring Sustainable Development
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2009. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands. Book. (Dutch) (English)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland. Book. (Dutch)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands. Brochure. (Dutch) (English)
CBS/CPB/PBL/SCP, 2011. Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands. Website visualisations. (Dutch) (English)
Environment and trade
Wilting, H., R. Hoekstra and S. Schenau, 2006. Emissions and Trade: a Structural Decomposition Analysis for the Netherlands. Paper prepared for the Intermediate Input-Output Conference, 2006, Sendai, Japan. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. and M.A. Janssen, 2006. Environmental responsibility and policy in a two-country dynamic input-output model. Economic Systems Research 18(1)(March), pp. 61-84.
Hoekstra, R., and M. Janssen, 2002. Environmental responsibility and policy in a two country dynamic input-output model, Tinbergen Institute Working Paper, 2002-103. (Link)
Footprint estimation (using Multi-regional input-output analysis)
Hoekstra, R., B. Edens, D. Zult and H. Wilting. Reducing the variation of environmental footprints estimates based on multiregional input-output databases. Submitted to scientific journal.
Hoekstra, R. B. Edens, D. Zult, R. Wu and H. Wilting, 2013. Environmental footprints: A methodological and empirical overview from the perspective of official statistics. Paper for the FP7 (European Commission) funded project “European Framework for Measuring Progress” (e-Frame), March 11th 2013. (Link)
Edens, B., and R. Hoekstra, 2013. Towards a MRIO based national accounts consistent carbon footprint. In: Environmental Accounts 2012, pp. 122-137 (Link)
Hoekstra, R., D. Zult, B. Edens, O. Lemmers, H. Wilting and R. Wu, 2013. Producing carbon footprints that are consistent to the Dutch national and environmental accounts. Paper prepared for the 21st International Input-Output Conference, July 9 – 12th 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan & Workshop on the Wealth of Nations in a Globalising World, July 18-19th 2013, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. (Link)
Hoekstra, R. B. Edens and H. Wilting, 2012. Footprint calculations from the perspective of National Statistical Institutes. Paper prepared for the final WIOD Conference: Causes and Consequences of Globalization, Groningen, The Netherlands, April 24-26, 2012. (Link)
Economic growth and the environment
van der Helm, R., R. Hoekstra and J.P.H. Smits, 2010. Economic growth, structural change and carbon dioxide emission: The case of the Netherlands 1960-2008. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
Environmental accounts/indicators
Hoekstra, R., S. Schenau and P. van de Ven, 2008. The analytical usefulness of a system of environmental accounts. Paper prepared for the conference on Climate change and official statistics, 14-16 April 2008, Oslo, Norway. (Link)
Gosse van der Veen (DG Statistics Netherlands), 2007 (Document prepared by Hoekstra, R., S. Schenau and C. Graveland). The challenges of globalisation from an environmental accounting perspective. Paper prepared for the 63rd SPC and 93rd DGINS Conference, 19–21 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary, DGINS 2007/93/III/5. (Link)
Schenau, S. and R. Hoekstra, 2007. Environmental Indicators. Issue Paper prepared for the 11th Meeting of the London Group on Environmental Accounting, 26-30 March 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa. LG/11/22. (Link)
Schenau, S. and R. Hoekstra, 2006. Present status and future developments of the Dutch NAMEA. Paper for the International Workshop for Interactive Analysis on Economy and Environment, March 4th 2006, Tokyo, Japan. (Link)
Physical Input-Output Tables/Waste Accounts/Material Flows
Delahaye, R., R. Hoekstra and L. Nootenboom, 2011. Analysing the production and treatment of solid waste using a national accounting framework. Waste Management & Research 29(7), pp. 751–762. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., 2010. Physical input-output tables: Developments and future. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link).
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2006. The impact of structural change on physical flows in the economy: Forecasting and backcasting using structural decomposition analysis. Land Economics 82(4), pp. 582-601.
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2006. Constructing physical input-output tables for environmental modeling and accounting: framework and illustrations. Ecological Economics 59, pp. 375-393.
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, 2005. Structural decomposition analysis of iron, steel and plastics. In: J.C.J.M van den Bergh and M.A. Janssen (eds.), The Economics of Industrial Ecology, MIT Press.
Climate Change Damages
Eyre, N., T. Downing, R. Hoekstra, K. Rennings and R.S. Tol, 1999. Global Warming Damages, ExternE – Externalities of Energy, 8. European Commission, 18836.; Studies (European Commission. Directorate-General XII, Science, Research, and Development), Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (Link)
Decomposition Theory (for environmental issues)
Hoekstra, R. and J.C.J.M van den Bergh, 2003. Comparing structural and index decomposition analysis. Energy Economics 25, pp. 39-64.
Dietzenbacher, H.W.A. and R. Hoekstra, 2002. The RAS structural decomposition approach. In: G.J.D. Hewings, M.Sonis and D. Boyce (eds.), Trade, Networks and Hierarchies: Modeling Regional and Interregional Economies, Springer Publishers.
Decomposing economic growth
Hoekstra, R. and R. van der Helm, 2010. Attributing GDP growth of the Euro Area to final demand categories. Paper prepared for the 18th International Input-Output Conference, June 20-25th, Sydney, Australia. (Link)
van der Helm, R. and R. Hoekstra, 2009. Attributing GDP growth of the Euro Area to final demand components. Paper prepared for the 17th International Input-Output Conference, July 13-17th, São Paulo, Brazil. (Link)
van der Helm R., and R. Hoekstra, 2008. “Attributing quarterly GDP growth rates of the Euro Area to final demand components”. Report prepared for the European Central Bank (ECB). May 2008. VIVID # 2008-2002-MOO. (Link)
Hoekstra, R., A. van den Berg and F. Hoekema, 2006. “Attributing the Euro Area GDP growth rate to final demand components”. Report prepared for the European Central Bank (ECB). July 2006. VIVID # 2006-67-MOO. (Link)
Global Value Chains
Notten, F., R. Hoekstra and J.P.H. Smits, 2013. De rol van de industrie in Nederlandse internationale productieketens. In: De Nederlandse Economie 2012. (Link)
Tourism Accounts
Heerschap, N., B. de Boer, R. Hoekstra, A. van Loon and L. Tromp, 2005. A Tourism Satellite Account for the Netherlands: Approach and results. Tourism Economics, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2005 , pp. 393-409 (17)
Hoekstra, R., E. Lammers, A. Pieters, M. van Rooijen-Horsten en A. van de Steeg, 2006. Toerisme in macro-economisch perspectief, 2002. Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA), 29 september 2006. (Link)
Internetrobots (Big Data)
Hoekstra, R., O. ten Bosch and F. Harteveld, 2012. Automated data collection from web sources for official statistics: First experiences. Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics 28 (3-4). pp. 99-111. (Link)
Daas, P., M. Roos, C. de Blois, R. Hoekstra, O. ten Bosch and Y, 2011. Ma. New data sources for statistics: Experiences at Statistics Netherlands. Paper prepared for the 2011 New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) conference, Brussels, Belgium. (Link)