
Ecological economist (phd) specializing in environmental input-output analysis and the measurement of sustainable development and societal progress.

Published numerous scientific articles, book chapters conference papers, CBS reports, working papers, and a book (“Economic growth, material flows and the environment: New applications of structural decomposition analysis and physical input-output tables”, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2005).

International experience includes:

  • Chair/Editor – Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force for Measuring Sustainable Development
  • Co-coordinator of the e-Frame consortium (European Framework for Measuring Progress) (FP7-project)
  • Member of the advisory board – World Input-Output Database (WIOD) (FP7-project)

Referee for over 7 scientific journals and the European Commission.

Program manager of various CBS-projects.

Areas of expertise

- Environmental structural decomposition analysis
- Footprint calculations/Multiregional input-output analysis
- Construction of (multiregional) input-output tables
- Satellite accounts of the National accounts (environmental, tourism)
- Sustainable development indicators
- Measuring societal progress
- Environmental Kuznet’s Curve
- Carbon Leakage/Pollution Haven Hypothesis

Work experience

2003-present   Statistics Netherlands, The Hague

  • Senior Statistical Researcher

1998-2003         Free University, Amsterdam

  • Phd in Environmental Economics: “Structural change of the physical economy: Decomposition analysis of physical and hybrid-unit input-output tables”. Defended on October 1st 2003. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. J.C.J.M. van den Bergh.


1998-2003         Free University/Tinbergen Institute (PhD)    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1993-1998         Wageningen University (MSc)                        Wageningen, The Netherlands

1986-1992         Hillcrest Secondary School                           Nairobi, Kenya


Project management (CBS)

Projects that I have led include:

  • Monitor Duurzaam Nederland/Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands (cooperation between CBS, CPB, PBL and SCP)
  • Statistics for Sustainable Development
  • The use of internetrobots in statistics
  • Productivity and Knowledge statistics
  • Tourism of Satellite Accoutns
  • Carbon footprints
  • Building and analysing Euro Area input-output tables for the European Central Bank

Advisor/Quality Assurance

Projects that I have acted/act as advisor/quality assurance

  • Historical Roots of the Dutch Sustainability Challenge: The impact of the Utilization of Material Resources on the Modernization of Dutch Society, 1850-2010 (NWO-project led the University of Eindhoven)
  • Member of the advisory board – FP7 project – World input-output database (WIOD)
  • Statistics for Sustainable Development

Guest Lectures

Guest Lectures at Wageningen University and Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (May 2009).


Referee for 7 environmental-economic and economic journals as well as for the European Commission’s FP6 programme.

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